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General Features
Endmills incorporating “SAFELOCK†design prevents endmills from being pull out
during high load machining processes.
Endmill length can be readjusted after regrinding to maintain the same tool height.
Available for GSXVL and SSEHVL series.

General Features
Ultra-fine grained carbide substrate coupled with the high oxidation resistant GS Hard Coat.
GS HARD Square is available in 4 flutes, 6 flutes and 8 flutes designs from Dia1mm to Dia20mm.
GS HARD Ballnose, with its seamless ball to peripheral profile, range from Dia0.4mm to Dia12mm.
GS HARD Radius, in 6 flutes and 8 flutes designs, is available from Dia6mm to Dia20mm.

General Features
Low Cobalt content carbide substrate with a smooth TiAlN Coat for improved wear resistance.
Unique nicked and wave form design for excellent cutting action and chip evacuation.
Available in 4 flutes configuration from Dia6mm to Dia20mm.

General Features
Fine-grained carbide substrate coupled with GSX Coat for improved performance.
Available in 2 flutes, 3 flutes and 4 flute configurations, ranging from Dia0.5mm to Dia20mm.

General Features
Tough substrate coupled with a heat resistant, ultra-smooth coating for machining of exotic alloys.
High helix design with a special flute design for sharpness, adhesion resistance and chip evacuation.
Endmill range from Dia4.5mm to Dia16mm with corner radii of R0.5, R1.0 and R3.0mm.